PIRATES (sorted by time of reception)
15845 USB - Radio Spaceshuttle International, *06:24 music, the noisy freq 45333.
15020 - Radio Mustang, *07:38 ID, greetings and very nice song, 55444
15005 - Radio Trans Europe, *08:05 ID, weak signal 35433, after 13:10 on 15060, 34433
15029 - Radio Paranoid, *13:20 35422, weak
21460 - Cupid Radio, *14:34 very clear signal, then ID, announcements and greeting me (thanks!). 55544
15850 USB - Radio Underground, *14:49 clear IDs and e-mail, 35433.
15055 USB - UnID (Radio Tropiq?), *15:07 non-stop music
15070 - Radio Cupid, also near 17 UTC - relay of Balkan Radio. 45433, sometimes better.
6420 - Radio Tidalwave, *17:16 music, soon IDs, SINPO 35343.
6325 - Radio Black Bandit, *17:39 music, announcements by BB, 44343.
15845 USB - Radio Spaceshuttle International, *06:24 music, the noisy freq 45333.
15020 - Radio Mustang, *07:38 ID, greetings and very nice song, 55444
15005 - Radio Trans Europe, *08:05 ID, weak signal 35433, after 13:10 on 15060, 34433
15029 - Radio Paranoid, *13:20 35422, weak
21460 - Cupid Radio, *14:34 very clear signal, then ID, announcements and greeting me (thanks!). 55544
15850 USB - Radio Underground, *14:49 clear IDs and e-mail, 35433.
15055 USB - UnID (Radio Tropiq?), *15:07 non-stop music
15070 - Radio Cupid, also near 17 UTC - relay of Balkan Radio. 45433, sometimes better.
6420 - Radio Tidalwave, *17:16 music, soon IDs, SINPO 35343.
6325 - Radio Black Bandit, *17:39 music, announcements by BB, 44343.