Tuesday, 20 December 2016

eQSL Kossuth Radio - Hungary, 540 kHz

KOSSUTH RADIO verified in 40 days my reception on 540 kHz.
Reception report was sent to: kozonsegszolgalat/at/mtva.hu
Reply arrived from: uniFLOW/at/mtva.hu

Friday, 29 April 2016

e-QSL Reykjavik Radio TFA, Iceland - DSC 2187.5 kHz

ICELAND (new country!)
Tonight, I was able to receive the DSC call from TFA Reykjavik Radio at 2187.5 kHz. After submitting the reception report to reyrad\at\lhg.is , I received this e-QSL just in one hour:

e-QSL FEBC Philippines

FEBC verified in few hours my reception report sent to norie.estabillo\at\febc.ph

Thursday, 28 April 2016

QSL Danish Radio, 243 kHz

Danish Radio verified in 18 days my reception report sent to jens.seeberg/at/teracom.dk
The envelope containing the printed QSL, personal letter and information about the transmitter arrived yesterday.
3 years ago, I received only the e-mail confirmation, but that time I used the different address: http://dxlisner.blogspot.fr/2013/01/reply-from-danish-radio.html
DR is easy to receive here almost everyday.

Thursday, 21 April 2016

e-QSL La Voz de Tu Conciencia, Colombia

La Voz de Tu Conciencia was received a couple of days ago at the frequency 6010 kHz. Reception report was sent to rafaelcoldx\at\yahoo.com (QSL-manager Rafael Rodriguez http://dxdesdecolombia.blogspot.com/). Tonight, I received this nice e-QSL:
Also, photos of the transmitter and antenna:

e-QSL Florø Radio, Norway, DSC 2187.5 kHz

Florø Radio verified in 45 minutes (!!!) my report sent to tts.floro.radio@telenor.com

Wednesday, 20 April 2016

e-QSL Malin Head Radio, Ireland, 2187.5 kHz

Malin Head Coast Guard Radio confirmed in one hour (!!!) my DSC reception on 2187.5 kHz.
Report was sent to mrscmalin\at\transport.ie

Monday, 18 April 2016

e-QSL Radio Capodistria, 1170 kHz

Radio Capodistria, the MW station at 1170 kHz, verified in 3 days my reception report sent to antonio.rocco\at\rtvslo.si by e-QSL letter.

Friday, 15 April 2016

QSL ABC Local Radio Alice Springs, 4835 kHz

ABC (local), f/d e-QSL in 2 days for report sent to Advice.Reception\at\abc.net.au

Wednesday, 13 April 2016

eQSL HAI PHONG RADIO, Vietnam - DSC 8414.5 kHz

Hai Phong Radio verified in several hours my reception report sent to hphong_radio\at\vishipel.com.vn . F/d verification email + this eQSL:

Tuesday, 12 April 2016

Dear friends,

During last year and a half I did not have enough time (or was too lazy, haha) for the distant radio reception; almost did not maintain this blog and the corresponding email account. So, sorry for non-replied comments and/or emails.
Now, I am going to resume this activity.

Good DX and 73s!