Monday, 31 January 2022

eQSL De Blauwe Koe


Radio De Blauwe Koe was heard recently on MW. Their QSL arrived in one day (deblauwekoe\at\

Thursday, 27 January 2022

eQSL Deutscher Wetterdienst (147.3 kHz)


Deutscher Wetterdienst has verified in 5 days my reception of their longwave service DDH47 (147.3 kHz) in the RTTY mode, with their eQSL. Sent to seeschifffahrt\at\, info\at\



Monday, 24 January 2022

eQSL MRCC Klaipeda – 2187.5 kHz


MRCC Klaipeda (aka Klaipeda Rescue Centre) has confirmed in 20 minutes (!) my reception report of their DSC call at the frequency 2187.5 kHz. Via mrcc \at\

Learn about DSC: 

I use my normal reception setup (Degen DE1103) and the YADD software to decode the DSC calls.

eQSL Radio Delmare


Radio Delmare was heard last night in the medium wave band. This beautiful scanned QSL was received today (via delmareradio \at\

Sunday, 23 January 2022

eQSL Radio Scotland International


I was listening today to the Radio Scotland Int'l broadcast. The eQSL was received the same evening (radioscotland\at\

Friday, 21 January 2022

Log: Radio Kuwait at wrong frequency 15458 kHz

Radio Kuwait broadcasting in English was observed this morning 21/01/2022 between 7 and 8 AM UTC at the wrong frequency 15458 kHz. The attached short video is taken at the end of their broadcast, 7:58...7:59 UTC. The clear ID can be heard at 0:24.

Automated eQSL from the WLC radio (USA)


The WLC radio (WBCQ) is easy to hear these days at 9330 kHz in the evenings. They accept reception reports via their website. Unfortunately, they seem to send their eQSL in an automated way without really checking the details, which is rather disappointing.

Tuesday, 18 January 2022

eQSL Ascension Relay Station (BBC)

Atlantic Relay Station (Ascension Island) has verified in 2 days my reception of the BBC World Service on 15400 kHz with the detailed eQSL booklet.
Reception report was sent to: ops.asc\at\