Sunday, 31 July 2011

Logs on 31 July 2011

6285 - UnID pirate, 20:38 - 34333
6295 - Reflections Europe, 20:15 - OM sermon, 45444
6425 - Mustang Radio?, 20:43 - 55544
6940 - Laser Hot Hits, 20:59 - 34433

Friday, 29 July 2011

Many pirate logs on 29 July 2011

Today I've received my first FM DX stations (from France and Germany! Later more about it.)
6290 - R.Caroline, 20:33 - music, 25432
6325 - R.Black Power, 19:55 - music, 45444
6375 - R.Doc Einstein, 19:14 - weak and fady music, some QRM, SINPO 34332
6400 - R.Variant, 22332
6510 - Pink Panther Radio, S=1...2
6960 - Atlantic Radio, 20:29 - SINPO 35333
6306 - FOX 48, Radio Foxfire, 22:03, ID at 22:07 ("it is Radio Foxfire"), 24322 - tnx to Fox48 for correction.

Thursday, 28 July 2011

Logs on 28 July 2011

6296 - Radio Boomerang, - music, I've heard end of ID, good signal but sometimes QRM on freq, c/d at 19:55, SINPO 43333
Then my computer had broken so I had not time for radio :(

Wednesday, 27 July 2011

Logs on 26 July 2011

6219 - Bluestar Radio?, 19:58, good signal with less noise than yesterday - 45444
No more pirates heard.

Monday, 25 July 2011

Logs on 25 July 2011

6300 - UnID (Marconi?), 19:30 - 45433, off at ~19:30?
6219 - Lady Angel, 19:38 - 35333

Logs on night 24-25 July

Yesterday I wasn't in Kharkiv and returned home late so I fall asleep. But later I listened to some stations (but no pirates received).
11815 - Brasil Central, 23:52 UTC - 35433
4765 - Tajik Radio, 35332 - music
9265 - WINB, 0:35 UTC, OM sermon - 35443
12100 - WTWW, at 00:37 UnID language (Port.?), 35443; at 1:31 UTC English, 55555
11520 - EWTN, 01:00 ID "it is EWTN, Global Catholic Network WEWN", 45444
9370 - WTJC, 23:59 UTC - song, then ID "this is 9370 kHz WTJC", info about QSL. SINPO 45444
15190 - WYFR, 00:30 UTC - callsign. S=3

Saturday, 23 July 2011

Logs on 23 July 2011

Today at last I heard any pirate. All last weak I heard almost only Atlantic Radio on 6960. On other pirate freqs there was only noise.

6375 - Radio Mustang, 22:39 - 34433; 23:08 - 45444
6240 - Free Radio Victoria, very weak music, S=2, later much better
6295 - Zodiac, S=2
5815 - Hercules, S=3
6375 (after c/d of Mustang) - Fox 48? S=2...3 - that was a "mirror" from REE on 7275 :(
6420 - 22:01 - UnID, 34443
6305 - 22:00 - UnID, 54444

Radio Gloria Int. on air tomorrow

Letter from RGI:
Hi guys and dolls !
RGI is on the air tomorrow, 24.07.2011, as follows:
11-12 CEST (9-10 UTC) on 6005 kc (also the KW (SW) - stream by ""
                                  and 9480 kc
15-16 CEST (13-14 UTC) on 6140
17-18 CEST (15-16 UTC) by ""
Good listening !

PS. MV Baltic Radio relay service Schedule for Summertime 2011
       1st    Sunday – MV Baltic Radio                  0900 utc
       3rd    Sunday – European Music Radio         0900 utc    (September)
       4th    Sunday – Radio Gloria International     1300 utc

NEW EMR Postal Address:
         European Music Radio,
         c/o M.V. Baltic Radio,
         Seestraße 17,
         D-19089 Göhren,

Friday, 22 July 2011

QSLs DW, Kaliningrad Regional Centre

KALININGRAD REGIONAL RADIO-TV BROADCASTING CENTRE verified in 52 days my report for RADIO MAYAK relay (1143 kHz) via Kaliningrad. Report sent via post to address: 184, Sovetsky prt, Kaliningrad, 236023, Russia. Also received calendar and sticker.
Calendar and sticker:
DEUTSCHE WELLE (11615 kHz) verified my report about last Russian px (30th June). Report was sent to,


9 JULY 2011
05:47 UTC
15415 R.Australia (AUS), 33433, song, then OM told smth in English, QRM from CNR
15160 R.Australia (AUS), 54544, OM told smth in English
13630 CVC? (UZB), S=3, OM and YL talk
13650 R.Cairo? (EGY), 45433, OM
13660 BBC (G), 55555
13670 VoIR Iran Bosnian (IRN), 55555 - ID
13690 R.Australia (AUS), S=3...4 - in parallel with 15160
13695 R.France Int. (F), 55555
13700 UnID OM song, S=3...4, I=3 - CNR?
13720 end of Sudan Radio Service broadcast (UAE), S=4
06:00 UTC
13740 VoIR Iran (IRN), S=4, OM
13750 R.France Int. (F) 55555
13760 RFA+CNR
13790 VoIRI (IRN), 55433
13800 VoIRI, parallel with 13790, S=5
13810 Farda (D), S=5
13860 Farda, parallel with 13810, S=5
07:27 UTC
11500 UnID music - pres. Firedrake (CHN), S=3
11520 EWTN (USA), 35343 - about human rights
11530 Denge Mezopotamia (UKR), 55454
11610 CNR 2 (CHN), S=3
11630 CNR 8 (CHN), S=5 - news by YL
11660 CNR 2 (CHN), S=2...3
11700 RFI (F), 45343
11750 Vo Turkey (TUR), 54554
11760 BBC (OMA), 43543 - RTTY on freq
11770 PBS Xinjang (CHN), 45444
11785 CRI (ALB), S=5, music
11845 CNR 2, S=3
11850 All India Radio? (IND), S=3, song
11860 PBS Xizang? (CHN), S=2
11885 PBS Xinjang? S=5
11935 R.Nedreland (CVA), 55555, YL
11950 Xizang? S=4
11955 Vo Turkey (TUR), S=5
11980 Adventist World Radio (D), S=4, Arabic lang
11990 VoIRI, S=4, OM
12035 Radio Exterior de Espana (E), S=5 - beautiful music
12055 CNR 1, S=3
12070 R.Rossii, S=5 - about Japan, then advert
12130 R.Mashaal, S=4
08:00 UTC
9510 IRRS - relay UNI (ROU?), 45433, ID
15335 CRI Russian (CHN) 55555, news
15400 BBC (ASC) 35443
15430 VoIRI German, 55555, music
15440 VoIRI Pashto, 54554, OM
9705 R.Ethiopia (ETH), S=2 - in the evening mush better, S=4...5, but I=3..4 (probably Niger on freq)

In the evening of that day there was awful weather and thunderstorm so listening to radio was impossible.


8 JULY 2011
05:58 UTC
15160 R. France Int. (F) 55555, off at 06:00
06:10 UTC
15105 BBC (G), 55454 - ID, OM told smth
15120 VO Nigeria (NIG)+CRI+CNR (jamming RFA)
15140 CRI English (CHN) 55555
15150 VoIR Iran (IRN) 55555
15170 CRI S=3
15230 CRI S=4
15245 CRI S=5
15255 Channel Africa (AFS) S=4
15270 CNR S=5 OM told smth
15255 R.Riyadh (ARS) 55555 Arabic music
15295 VO Malaysia (MLA) S=3...4
15300 RFI S=5
15310 BBC (THA) S=2
15350 CRI English 55555 OM
15380 R.Riyadh (ARS), S=5 + weak CNR
15390 CNR S=5
15420 BBC (CYP) 55555
15430 BBC (CYP) + music (IRN?)
15480 CNR S=2
06:30 UTC
15515 R.Kuwait (KWT) - music+ BBC Hausa (G) - ID
15540 CNR S=4
15570 R. Vaticana (CVA) S=4 - music +OM, weak CNR
15580 Voice of America (CLN) S=5
15585 R.Vaticana S=5 - about Syria and Africa, ID
15605 Deutsche Welle (G) 55555
15615 R.Free Asia (MRA) S=3
15630 VO Greece (GRC) 55555 music
15635 RFA S=4+CNR jamming
15650 DW German (POR) S=4
15680 R.Azadi (CLN) S=5
15690 R.Farda (CLN) S=5 OM+music
15715 R.Mashaal (D) S=5 song
15725 R.Pakistan (PAK) S=4
15740 Mashaal (THA), S=2, parallel to 15715
15785 CRI (CHN) S=4
15790 BBC Arabic(CYP) S=5, about Libya
15850 Galei Zahal (ISR), S=4, 2 OM talk
21500 Firedrake jamming of R. Free Asia? S=4...5, music
21690 R. Free Asia (UAE) YL+OM talk S=4
18:11 UTC
1566 UnID, Chinese lang. YL+OM SINPO 34433.
1107 Arabic music, then OM told smth, 55454
1116 IRIB 1 (IRN)+UnID song
1125 IRIB 1 (IRN) - parallel to 1116 and 531 kHz
1134 UnID Arabic music (KWT or IRN) + OM told smth (HRV?)
1143 VoRussia (RUS) 44444
1152 Romania Actualitati (ROU) 55555
1161 Arabic song (not IRIB!) EGY? S=3
1170 VoRussia (RUS) 54554, Russian lang, ID
1179 ROU+IRN
1188 IRN? song S=4
1197 IRIB1, 54544
1215 UnID, S=3+UnID, S=2
1224 R.Horisont (BUL), S=5 -
1233 R.Monte Carlo (CYP) 54444
1242 IRIB 1, S=5, music
1251 UnID music px with OM comments (HNG?)+weak and very fady YL

Wednesday, 20 July 2011


QSL+schedule in 21 day received for report to

Saturday, 16 July 2011

Logs on 15-16 July 2011


9630 - REE, 02:19 UTC - OM told smth in Spanish, ID at 02:32, then song. SINPO 44444.
9955 WRMI, 00:30 UTC - ID "Radio Miami Int.", then callsign. of Radio Slovakia Int., ID. SINPO 35443 - No jamming???
9820/7465 Voice of America (via Greenville) - news, ID "Voice of America Special English", SINPO 55444/45444
9860 WWCR - OM told smth - SINPO 35443
12100 WTWW, 01:41 UTC - OM told smth in English, a half-hpur later - in Spanish. SINPO 55444
11520 EWTN, 00:34 UTC - OM told smth in English, SINPO 45444
9560 - KBS, 02:15 -YL told smth (news?) in Spanish, SINPO 34443
11775 - R.Marti via Sackville (pres.) - Spanish lang. SINPO 45444
6000 - Radio Habana Cuba, 01:00 UTC - callsigns, YL ID, news (YL+OM). SINPO 55555!
but 6050 - no signal.

/very bad pirate reception today. Only Caroline heard on 6290 and 6553 with S=2 and Bluestar(?) on 6925 also with S=2 and loud QRN/.

9630 - REE, 01:58 UTC - song, then ID "Radio Nacional de Espana" (!), news? SINPO 43543, but much better signal on 9631.
11520 - EWTN - 00:34 UTC, 2 OM spoke about smth about God and education, SINPO 43443 - loud whistle on freq.
12100 - WTWW, 00:30 UTC in unknown lang (not English!) SINPO 45444
11710 - RAE - 0:01 UTC, IDs - SINPO 45444
11760 - BBC. 9:00 UTC - SINPO 35242 - loud RTTY or lmth like it, 13 UTC - SINPO 45444.
15725 - R.Pakistan - 09:29 UTC - callsign? (song), then ID in Urdu, news by YL and then music px (songs). SINPO 44544


I had no much time for DXing there because after hiking I was tired and went to bed early (near 20 UTC or 23 o'clock local time), and it was hard to get up early (when there is darkness outside and MW DXing is possible - it's near 2 UTC or 5 o'clock local time). So in evening I monitored MW and sometimes SW and in morning - only SW. 

Identifications of most of stations are presumed and made using my ears (I tried to define lang and looked if there are parallel freqs) and using online edition of Euro-African Medium Wave Guide (EMWG). Many thanks for its authors for info. Later I would send them the most interesting results (especially on Ukrainian radio which I monitored much time).
MW In Kharkiv and MW in Kuteinikove are very different. MW in Kuteinikove is boring - that's because Kuteinikove is closer to Iran, so there you can hear Iranian stations on almost all frequencies but very little part of freqs contains European stations.
Freq - Station (QTH) - details 
18:44 UTC
1296 - Radio Christo Botev (BUL), Bulgarian lang., about Romania, SINPO 44543
738 - WRN Moscow (RUS), VoRussia in Russian, SINPO 43433
19:05 UTC
1008 - Radio Cairo - ID, YL told smth, then Arabic song. SINPO 34443
19:29 UTC
981 - NET (GRC) 55544
990 - R.Sawa (CYP) 55454 - about Libya
999 - Vo Russia(MDA) 55555 Russian lang
531 - IRIB 1 (IRN) - 2 stations (second - YL+music)
540 - Magyar Radio? S=3
549 - R.Mayak (RUS) 54544
558 - IRN?
567 - R.Rossii (RUS) 54544
585 UnID Arabic S=3
594 R.Mayak (RUS) S=3
603 - ROU?
612 - VoIRI (IRN)+R.Baltic Waves (relay R.Liberty in Belarussian) (LTU)
621 - Voice of the Arabs? (EGY) = UnID music
19:50 UTC
630 - TRT (TUR)
639 - BBC Arabic? (CYP) S=4
657 - Reshet Beh (ISR) - about ISR premier-minister Nethaniagu
666 - UnID S=5
675 - IRN? S=4
702 - VoIRI in Russian, S=5
711 - Ukrainske Radio 1 (UKR, Dokuchaevsk) - 55555, in next days I defined that there are also relays of Donetske Oblasne Radio at this freq at 17:00, 15:10, 12:40 UTC and in other times (look EMWG website for times in winter UTC)
729 - NET (GRC) S=5
738 WRN Moscow (RUS) S=2...3
747 - Radio Horisont (BUL) = UnID (IRN?)
756 - UnID arbic music
765 - IRIB+UnID
774 - Arabic or Persian music - EGY or IRN
783 - Radio Damascus (SYR) S=4, Ukraine is very silent ata that time (in daytime much better)
792 - UnID S=3
810 - Radio Mayak, S=5
819 - General Programme (EGY), S=5, ID "? al Arabia"
828 - Radio of Syrian AR (SYR), S=5
837 - Ukrainske Radio 1 (UKR, Taranivka) - SINPO 55555, in daytime 45444
846 - Radio Rossii (RUS) - S=3
855 - R.Rossii (RUS) - ID and news; +UnID (ROU?)
864 - Holy Quran? (EGY)
873 - R.Rossii (RUS) S=5
882 - R.Mayak (RUS) S=3
900 - IRIB 1 (IRN)
909 - UnID
918 - Radio of Syrian AR?
927 - NET
936 - UnID Arabic, S=5

Wednesday, 13 July 2011

Logs on 13 July 2011

6305 - Alice - 34433
6420 - Mustang - 45444
6425 - UnID - weak signal

QSLs Mustang, Bible Voice

During my travelling I'd received e-QSL from Mustang Radio and QSL from Bible Voice.
e-QSL in 12 days for report to
QSL in ~40 days for report on Russian px sent to My last year report for Ukrainian px isn't verified yet.

Hello again!

Last week I was travelling through Donetsk region of Ukraine. From 7th till 11th July I was in Kuteinikove (47°48 N 38°17 E). When I had a free time between visiting relatives and hiking I listened to radio. 
Many logs will be some days later - I need much time to rewrite them here from my notes but now I rest after 
much passed kilometres :)
So I'm sorry for last week idle on my blog.

Tuesday, 5 July 2011

QSLs IR Serbia, R. Tirana, Polskie Radio

New country, new station
QSL from Russian edition in 33 days for RR sent to e-mail
They have answered only for 1 report of 4 sent by me.

New country, new station
QSL from English edition  in 16 days for RR sent to e-mails
One of Russian Dxers told me that responded German edition from (text on QSL is in German).
They have answered only for 1 report of 4 sent by me.
NB: Send them reports ONLY for 30-minute and longer time of listening! Reports on 15-minute pxx are not verified!
QSL from Russian edition in 11 days for report sent to

Sunday, 3 July 2011

Logs on 3-4 July 2011

6305-FSM? - 19:20 - OM told smth&music, SINPO 35433
6960 - Atlantic Radio - 23:45, ID at ~23:58, very good signal as for Atlantic! SINPO 35443.
some of MW logs
675 - Voice of Free Libya (tent.) - 21:02 - Arabic news, at 21:10 mentioning Libya and Kaddafi for many times. SINPO 42332
record will be later.
927 - UnID Arabic - 20:44
          UnID non-stop music (probably NOT Aabic) - 21:13
1584 - Ukrainske Radio 1 - 1 kWt tx with very good signal - parallel with 837 kHz, SINPO 44444
918 - Radio Slovenia - SINPO 45333
Also received many stations from Russia, Romania, Bulgaria, Greece, Iran, UAE but them are not interesting for me.
5505 USB - Shannon VOLMET - 0:36 - SINPO 55444
6000 - Radio Habana Cuba - 1:00 - callsign., ID, news - SINPO 45343

Friday, 1 July 2011


RAI 1 - 900 kHz
new country and station
QSL in 26 days for report sent to