Saturday 18 June 2011

Logs on 18 June

Not very big harvest.
6295 - Bogusman - SINPO 25332 - the unique pirate which I heard during all night.
6310 - UnID - 22:04 - very weak signal but sometimes better - SINPO 24211.
6423 - Radio Oscar Zulu (pres.) - 22:25 - SINPO 24332
There was a very noisy night - very much different noise, especially between 6310-6325 kHz.

6000 - Radio Habana Cuba - 01:35 (19th June) - English px. - SINPO 35333.  Time interval 01-02 UTC is the unique time when Cuba in English is heard in summer in Kharkiv. That's because at 01:30 UTC it's as bright outside as in daytime. But Spanish programs good heard in the evening on 15-17 meter bands.

In near future I would make the full log of all stations heard in night on all bands.

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