Saturday 24 March 2012

Pirate logs on 24-03-2012

6325 - Black Bandit Radio (identified by his voice), *18:48 nice music, several announcements, soon c/d. Excellent signal 55444
6305 - Radio Tarzan (ID via chat), *18:50 weak music
6375 - Radio Caroline Int. (?), *18:54 music audible under another strong utility carrier - 23432
6301 - UnID, *20:21 folk music, 24432. I'm not sure that was a pirate, dur to messges in pirate chat, in Western Europe this station wasn't avaliable.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Vitaliy,

    thanks a lot for such log of us there!
    Power here had again been 150watts.

    Best wishes to you and have a nice sunday!
    R.Caroline International.
